
Aircraft wireless stations used by the Swiss Air Force
Aircraft Transceivers SE-0xx

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überarbeitet am 30.12.2012

There is only very scarce information about telecommunications equipment used by the Swiss Air Force. As far as I know, there is no book or brochure on this single topic available.

Most of my information could be found at the Swiss Air Force Museum (Air Force Center) at Dubendorf, there you find an excellent exhibition of aircraft used by the Swiss Air Force including the on-board and ground communications equipment. There is also an excellent text about the history of the Swiss Air Force written from the point of view of a responsible for the ground organisation and air fields of the Swiss Air Force: "Die materielle Entwicklung aus der Sicht der Unterhaltsorganisation" written by Hans Giger can be found for download at the website www.glique.ch.

In the early years, aircraft board wireless stations got a designation FG xx with Roman numbers used, in which FG stands for FunkGerät. In contrast, the sets of the German Luftwaffe had designations FuG for FunkGerät.
After 1951 with the new naming scheme in use, aircraft wireless stations got designations SE-0xx, some ground stations based on an aircraft equipment got SE-0xx/f or SE-0xx/t designation.
In some cases of aircraft equipment faded out before the new designation scheme was first used in 1951, I have added a "non-official" SE-0xx designation in brackets to illustrate the time sequence of the equipment.

Aircraft wireless stations, new designation scheme used after 1951

(SE-001) / FG I
in airplanes DH-5 and "Potez" L-25
SE-001 / FG I
(SE-002) / FG II
(1935/6), Telefunken Stat 1007 a/b F (FuG VIIa)
shortwave, 7 W, CW
in airplanes Me109D, Fokker CV and Devoitine D-27
SE-002 / FG II
(SE-004) / FG IV
(1937/8), Telefunken

in airplanes C-35 and Fokker CV
SE-004 / FG IV
SE-009 / FG IX
in airplanes Messerschmitt Bf 109E & Morane D-3800
SE-009 / FG IX
SE-010 / FG X
shortwave 6 - 12 MHz
with Telaccord remote control
in airplanes Morane D 3801 (MS 506 C-1) and C 3603
SE-010 / FG X
S-011 / FG XI
longwave transmitter for locating a plane from the ground, 315 - 375 kHz, A1
in airplanes C 3603
VHF, 108 - 160 MHz, AM
in airplanes Hunter, replacement for the SE-015
SE-012 / FG XII
(1946), Standard Radio
VHF, AM, 4 channels
in airplanes Vampire DH-100
SE-012 / FG XII
SE-013 / FG 13
(1948), SCR-522
VHF 100-156 MHz, AM
in airplanes P-51 "Mustang" & used in aircraft ground stations
SE-013 / FG 13
SE-014 / FG 14
(19xx?), Arc.3
SE-015 / FG 15
(1948), Standard Radio
VHF 115-145 MHz, AM, 10 Kanäle
in airplanes Vampire DH-100, Venom DH-112,
in laters years in Hunter, C-3605, Pilatus P2, P3 and PC-6, etc.
SE-015 / FG 15
(1965?), Omera TR-AP 28
VHF, 100 - 156 MHz
in aircrafts Mirage III RS/S
SE-017 / FG 17
(19xx?), Arc.5 resp. J-Station
SE-018/m / FG 18 /LR
(acquired in 1944/7 b), SCR-287 or H-Station
200 - 500 kHz, 1,5-12 MHz, A1, A2,A3, pout 75 W
receiver: BC-348 / transmitter BC-375
SE-018/m H-Station
(1954), Socrat, Paris
VHF, 100 - 156 MHz,
in helicopters Alouette II
SE-020 Socrat
(196x?), Collins, Cedar Rapids
VHF, 100 - 156 MHz,
in Beechcraft "Twin Bonanza"
SE-023 Collins
(1964), Socrat, Paris
VHF, 100 - 156 MHz,
in helicopters Alouette III
SE-027 Socrat
(1965?), Omera ER.76.A
UHF, 220 - 400 MHz
in aircraft Mirage III RS/S
(1965?), Magnavox
UHF, 220 - 400 MHz
in aircraft Mirage III RS/S
UHF, 225 - 400 MHz,
in aircraft Hunter

Ground stations used by the Swiss Air Force

>>>Here<<< you can find informations on the equipment used in ground stations of the Swiss Air Force.

Before you start reading, please accept my excuses that some information might not be that correct, as I do not carry a heavy burden of too much knowledge about aircraft and air traffic.
I got much extremely valuable information from the excellent exhibition at the Swiss Air Force Museum at the former Dubendorf military airport and I recommend visiting that museum to all military aircraft enthousiasts.
The goal of this part of my website is to give a systematic survey over on-bboard and ground station wireless communications equipment used by the Swiss Air Force. Over the years I came across some parts of aircraft equipment at hamfests and did not recognize them as such, as I had never seen any images of such kind of equipment.
Up to now, information on the internet is scarce - maybe because of much information has been considered to be kept secret in the last decades.
I would be very happy to get further information and historic photos of equipment to add them to this website. All images taken at Dubendorf Swiss Air Force museum are b/w, I cannot answer questions about most of this equipment in detail.