
SE-018/m / H-Station
Transmitter BC-375-E
U.S. Signal Corps, different manufacturers

Swiss Army Communication Sets
Synoptic Table
Army Transceivers
Transceivers SE-0xx
(SE-001) / FG I
(SE-002) / FG II
(SE-004) / FG IV
(SE-009) / FG IX
SE-010 / FG X
S-011 / FG XI
SE-013 / SCR-522
SE-015 / STR.9X
SE-016 / Omera
SE-018 / H-Station
SE-020 / Socrat
SE-023 / Collins
SE-051 / Omera
SE-054 / Magnavox
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überarbeitet am 3.1.2013

The transmitter of the "H-Station" is an U.S.Signal Corps BC-375-E transmitter, which consits of a main unit, six plug in tuning units for the different frequency ranges and a dynamotor power supply.

Transmitter BC-375-E,

1500 - 12500 kHz, 6 tuning units

A1, A2, A3, pout ca. 45 - 75 W

Receiver BC-348 / E-018 / H-Empfänger: superhet, IF 915 kHz

200 - 500 and 1,5 - 18 MHz, analog dial

A1 (telegraphy CW), A2, A3 (telephony)

Mains power supply from Swiss production, BC-221 wave meter for frequency calibration

To ensure reliable shortwave communications over whole Switzerland, there was a great demand of high power shortwave transmitters and receivers in the years of World War II. So the decision wase made to re-use shortwave wireless equipment from U.S. bomber aircraft which had made an emergency landing or had been forced to land when entering Swiss air space.

The U.S. Signal Corps SCR-287 equipment has been used on a GMC truck for mobile operation (designation SE-018/m) and in fixed installation in "mountain stations" (designation SE-018/f).
These fixed "mountain stations" have been used to link the airfields of Swiss Air Force, they could be operated manned or remote controlled.

The Transmitter BC-375-E is 58 x 51 x 23 cm wide and has a weight of 23,8 kg, there are six tuning units with 6,5 kg each to go with it. The tuning units cover 1,5-3 MHz (TU-5-B), 3-4,5 MHz (TU-6-B), 4,5-6,2 MHz (TU-7-B), 6,2-7,7 MHz (TU-8-B), 7,7-10 MHz (TU-9-B), 10-12,5 MHz (TU-10-B) and longwaves 200-500 kHz /TU-26-B). To select the desired band, the matching tuning unit has to be inserted in the transmitter cabinet.
The transmitter is powered by a dynamotor PE-73-C, it can be powered from 24 (truck battery) or 28 V DC (aircraft power system).
H-Station Sender

In the transmitter, a valve VT-4-C (corresponding RCA type 211) acts as oscillator, two more VT-4-C valves as modulator and a fourth VT-4-C as transmitter output tube, it's plate modulated; a VT-25 (RCA 10Y) is used as microphone / AF amplifier.

The equipment on the pictures makes part of a Swiss private collection. I would be very thankful for further information and images of the H-Station.

further information:
Information from the Swiss Air Force Museum Dubendorf, where the equipment is displayed.
e: Manuals of the U.S.Army for the Transmitter BC-375-E and Receiver BC-348

© 3.1.2013 Martin Bösch