überarbeitet am 11.9.2010
Single conversion, I.F. 470 kHz
Analog dial
1,5 - 18 MHz
Attenuator, AGC, Crystal Filter
The receiver BC-312 has been built by several contractors in the U.S. for the
US Signal Corps in World War II and has been used as receiver in several wireless stations.
The Swiss Army used this receiver in their Funkstation SE-402 / SM 46, an
American SCR-499/A bought as war surplus.
The complete unit Chest CH-121-A with the BC-312 as receiver,
a speaker LS-3 and a morse key J-37 could be used powered from a 12V - accumulator CH-109-A as remote reception unit.
From the remote location, the complete station could be used with remote control,
reception has been done locally with the BC-312 and the transmitter signal has been fed
to the transmitter via field telephone line.
The receiver BC-312's construction is very similar to the BC-342, but it's intended to
be powered from 12V DC from a vehicular battery, the B+ high tension for the tubes is
generated from a integrated dynamotor.